Sunday, August 29, 2010

Life-Long Learning

By Lakawthra Cox

“The more you know the further you’ll go.” Dr Seuss

This timeless statement in the book I Can Read with My Eyes Shut has validity. Children benefit from learning from all types of knowledge. Brain researchers on data storage and retrieval postulated that the more information a person has stored, the easier a person can store new information. When introduced to new information, if similar information exists within your data storage, your data retrieval process pairs new information with old information. This means that if you know a lot of many subjects (practical or not), it’s easier for you to learn new information. The same is true for children.

For example, if children already have knowledge that stars are composed of gases, when you teach them that the sun is a star, children may infer from previous learning that the sun is a ball of gases, as well.

Reading is a good way to begin children in their pursuit of life-long learning. Reading is one of few activities that allow children to expand their vocabulary, imagination, and repertoire of information without leaving home or school. Many activities exist for children to promote learning. AB

Friday, August 27, 2010

We are headed to the Publisher's office today to view the final proof of Aerola's Big Trip. We are also going to do the voice over for the audio book.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Educational Video

The authors of Aerola's Big Trip, Lathanise and Ramona, have just finished filming an educational video that is free for all to view. Watch them on the Aerola Bombus YouTube Channel. as the turn a liquid into solid using everyday household ingredients! At the end of the project they get to enjoy the fruit or should I say the Ice Cream of their Labor! other educational videos are planned in the near future. So stayed tuned by subscribing.

Sunday, August 22, 2010


Viewed the book layout a few days ago! The release of Aerola's Big Trip is one step closer.